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= '''SAMA5D3 MPU概览(SAMA5D3 MPU overview)''' =
= '''SAMA5D3 MPU概览(SAMA5D3 MPU overview)''' =

2018年6月12日 (二) 11:29的版本


MY-SAMA5-CB200视图(MY-SAMA5-CB200 view)

正面视图(top view)


背面视图(bottom view)


SAMA5D3 MPU概览(SAMA5D3 MPU overview)

SAMA5D3简介(SAMA5D3 MPU introduction)

  Atmel | SMART SAMA5D3 MPU 能在低于 150mW 的功耗下提供高达 850DMIPS 的处理能力,是所有高性能、低功耗、成本敏感型工业应用的理想之选。其应用包括控制面板、智能电网设备和条形码扫描仪,即,需要高级别的连接性、增强的用户界面、稳定可靠的安全性或电池供电的任何设备。SAMA5D3 还是低功耗、小尺寸都至关重要的穿戴式计算应用和移动应用的理想之选。SAMA5D3 系列包括支持 -40/+105°C 温度范围以及 12x12mm BGA324 封装(间距为 0.5mm)的器件。
SMART SAMA5D3 MPU can provide processing capacity of up to 850DMIPS with power consumption of less than 150mW,which is the best choice for industrial application featuring high performance,low power consumption and senstiveness to cost.its application includes controling of panel,smart power facility and barcode scanner,e.g.any device which need high grade connection,enhanced user interface,high safety or to be powered by battery.SAMA5D3 is also the good choice for wearable computing application and mobile application.SAMA5D3 series include components of which support temperature range -40/+105°C and package of 12x12mm BGA324(space as 0.5mm)
  Atmel | SMART? SAMA5D3 系列以 536 Mhz 提供高达 850DMIPS 的处理能力,功耗水平市场领先(在工作模式下低于 150 mW;在低功耗模式下低于 0.5 mW)。通过支持高精度计算和快速数据处理的 FPU,以及 64 位内部总线架构和 32 位宽 DDR 控制器(能够以高达 166 MHz 的频率运行,提供高达 1328 MB/s 的带宽),实现了高性能。功能强大的外设包括多达三个的高速 USB 端口、千兆位和 10/100 以太网、双 CAN、TFT LCD 控制器、相机接口、三个 SDIO/SD/MMC、UART、SPI、TWI、软调制解调器、12 位 ADC、32 位定时器等。稳定可靠的安全性和防假冒由硬件加密引擎(如 AES/3DES、TRNG、SHA)和安全引导提供。这些器件随附免费 Atmel Linux? 分发包、Android 分发包、Qt SDK 以及一套完整的面向非操作系统用户的 C 示例。来自多个软件和硬件合作伙伴的 SOM(模块系统)、PMIC(电源管理IC)、内存和套件令本产品更加完整。
SMART SAMA5D3 series can provide processing capacity of up to 50DMIPS at 536 Mhz,it is advanced in the market in terms of power consumption(less than 150mW in working mode,less than 0.2-5mW in low-power mode).it provides powerful and high performance external components and interfaces,including 3 USB ports in high speed,interfaces for GMbps and 10/100 ethernet,dual CAN and TFT LCD controller,camera,3 soft modulators of SDIO/SD/MMC、UART、SPI、TWI,12 bit ADC,32 bit timer and ect.Highly stable and reliable safety and Counterfeit prevention is offered by hardware encrypt engine( such as AES/3DES、TRNG、SHA) and safety leading.free Atmel Linux? distribution,Android distribution package,Qt SDK and a full set of C example for non-operating system users are attached with these components.SOM(module system),PMIC(power management IC),memory and kits from different software and hardware partners will make this item more completed.

SAMA5D3优势(SAMA5D3 advantage)

  • ARM Cortex-A5 内核以 536MHz (850DMIPS) 运行。

ARM Cortex-A5 kernel runs at 536MHz (850DMIPS)

  • 用于高精度计算和快速数据处理的浮点运算单元 (FPU)。

floating point arithmetic unit is used for high precise calculation and fast data process

  • 市场领先的低功耗优势

superior low-consumption is leading in the market

    • 在激活所有外设的情况下,以低于 150mW 的功耗(在工作模式下)提供高达 536MHz 的工作频率。

with all external devices activated,it can provide up to 536MHz working frequency with less than 150mW(in working mode)

    • 在具有 SRAM 和寄存器保留的情况下,低功耗模式下的功耗低于 0.5mW。

with SRAM and register,power consumption is as low as 0.5mW in low-consumption mode

    • 双 CAN 控制器。

dual CAN control

  • 支持 IEEE1588 的千兆位以太网 MAC 和 10/100 MAC。

support IEEE1588 Gmbps ethernet MAC and 10/100 MAC

  • 三个 HS 高速 USB 端口(可配置为三个主机或两个主机和一个器件端口)。

3 HS high speed USB ports(can be configured to 3 hosts or two host+one component port)

  • CMOS 图像传感器接口。

CMOS image sensor interface

  • 图形 LCD 控制器,具有图像合成叠加

graphic LCD controller,features Image synthesis and superimposition

  • AES/3DES 硬件加密引擎和安全引导。

AES/3DES hardware encrypt engine and safty leading

  • BGA324(15x15,间距为 0.8)封装,以及小封装选项 BGA(12x12mm,间距为 0.5)。

BGA324(15x15,invterval 0.8)package,and small package option BGA(12x12mm,interval 0.5)

  • 扩展的工业温度范围:-40°C 到 105°C。

expanded industrial temperature range:-40°C to 105°C

SAMA5D3简图(SAMA5D3 diagram)


SAMA5D3框图 (SAMA5D3 block diagram)


SAMA5D3 MPU差异(SAMA5D3 MPU difference)


SAMA5D36关键参数(SAMA5D36 critical parameter)

Parameter Value
Pin Count: 324
Max. Operating Freq. (MHz): 536 MHz
CPU: Cortex-A5
Max I/O Pins: 160
Ext Interrupts: 160
USB Transceiver: 3
USB Speed: Hi-Speed
USB Interface: Host, Device
SPI: 6
TWI (I2C): 3
CAN: 2
LIN: 4
SSC: 2
Ethernet: 2
SD / eMMC: 3
Graphic LCD: Yes
Camera Interface: Yes
ADC Channels: 12
ADC Resolution (bits): 12
ADC Speed (ksps): 1000
Resistive Touch Screen: Yes
Crypto Engine: AES/DES/SHA/TRNG
SRAM (Kbytes): 128
External Bus Interface: 1
NAND Interface: Yes
Temp. Range (deg C): -40 to 105
I/O Supply Class: 1.8/3.3
Operating Voltage (Vcc): 1.08 to 1.32
FPU: Yes
Timers: 6
Output Compare Channels: 6
Input Capture Channels: 6
PWM Channels: 4
32kHz RTC: Yes
MPU / MMU: No / Yes
Quadrature Decoder Channels: 0
Video Decoder: No

SAMA5D3-CB200配置(SAMA5D3-CB200 configuration)

硬件配置(hardware configuration)

CPU SAMA5D3x 工业级/扩展工业级
256MB 可扩展到512MB
(can be expanded to 512MB)
256MB 最大可支持到2GB
(support up to 2GB)
SPI Flash 2M 支持烧录
(support programming)
(boot mode)
(SPI boot)
(ensure the stability and reliability of products)

工作温度范围(working temperature range)

  • 工业级

industrial grade

           -40°C ~ 85°C
  • 扩展工业级

expanded industial grade

           -40°C ~ 105°C

操作系统支持(operation system support)

  • 内核:Linux-3.18

kernel: Linux-3.18

  • 界面:命令行,QT5

interface:command line,

型号命令(model command)

型号名称组成(name of model)

MY-SAMA5-CB200-MPU specification-memory capacity-storage capacity

MPU规格(MPU specification)

D36ACN, D36ACNR: 工业扩展级
D36ACN, D36ACNR:industrial expansion
D36ACU, D36ACUR: 工业级
D36ACU, D36ACUR: industrial

内存容量(memory capacity)

256MB: 256兆内存
256MB:256G memory

存储容量(storage capacity)

256MB: 256兆存储
256MB:256G storge

型号举例(example of model)


MY-SAMA5-CB200定义(MY-SAMA5-CB200 definition)

Default signal
Default Interface
Default Interface
Default signal
1 GND_POWER               GND_POWER 2
15 PC0 ETX0 TIOA3     SSC0 RK0 PC19 16
17 PC2 ERX0 TCLK3   TF0 PC17 18
19 PC5 ECRSDV TCLK4     RF0 PC20 20
21 PC9 EMDIO       RD0 PC21 22
23 PC30 UTXD0 UART0 ISI_PCK     TK0 PC16 24
25 PC29 URXD0 ISI_D8|PWMFI2     TD0 PC18 26
27 GND_POWER               GND_POWER 28
29 PC31     PWMFI1|FIQ     LCDC LCDVSYNC PA26 30
31 PC23 SPI1_MOSI SPI1       LCDDISP PA25 32
33 PC25 SPI1_NPCS0           GND_POWER 34
37 PC24 SPI1_SPCK           GND_POWER 38
41 PA4 LCDDAT4 LCDC       LCDDAT2 PA2 42
43 PA10 LCDDAT10       LCDDAT15 PA15 44
45 PA14 LCDDAT14     ISI_D1 LCDDAT17 PA17 46
47 PA12 LCDDAT12       LCDDAT1 PA1 48
49 PA24 LCDPWM       LCDDAT0 PA0 50
51 PA22 LCDDAT22 ISI_D6|PWMH1     LCDDAT3 PA3 52
53 PA28 LCDPCK       LCDDAT8 PA8 54
55 PA20 LCDDAT20 ISI_D4|PWMH0     LCDDAT6 PA6 56
61 PA5 LCDDAT5     ISI_D3|TWCK2 LCDDAT19 PA19 62
63 PA7 LCDDAT7       LCDDAT11 PA11 64
69 PD31     PCK1|AD11   ISI_D10|SPI1_NPCS2 TWI1 TWCK1 PC27 70
71 PD30 PCK0 SSC0:CLK AD10   ISI_D11|SPI1_NPCS1 TWD1 PC26 72
73 PD29 AD9 AD       MCI0 MCI0_DA3 PD4 74
75 PD28 AD8       MCI0_DA1 PD2 76
77 PD27 AD7       MCI0_CDA PD0 78
79 PD26 AD6       MCI0_CK PD9 80
81 PD23 AD3       MCI0_DA2 PD3 82
83 PD22 AD2       MCI0_DA0 PD1 84
85 PD24 AD4     PWML2|TIOB0 MCI0_DA5 PD6 86
87 PD21 AD1     PWML3 MCI0_DA7 PD8 88
89 PD25 AD5     SPI0_NPCS2|CTS0 CAN0 CANTX0 PD15 90
91 PD20 AD0     SPI0_NPCS1|SCK0 CANRX0 PD14 92
93 PD5 PWMH2 PWM MCI0_DA4|TIOA0     UART0 TXD0 PD18 94
95 PD7 PWMH3 MCI0_DA6|TCLK0     RXD0 PD17 96
97 PD19   GPIO ADTRG     SPI0 SPI0_MISO PD10 98
99 PB0 GTX0 GMAC PWMH0     SPI0_SPCK PD12 100
101 PB7 GRX3 RK1     SPI0_MOSI PD11 102
105 PB17 GMDIO     GCOL CAN0 CANTX1 PB15 106
107 PB11 GRXCK RD1   GCRS CANRX1 PB14 108
109 PB18 G125CK     GTX7 MCI1 MCI1_DA2 PB22 110
111 PB1 GTX1 PWML0   GRX5 MCI1_CK PB24 112
113 PB4 GRX0 PWMH1   GTX5 MCI1_DA0 PB20 114
115 PB3 GTX3 TF1   GTX6 MCI1_DA1 PB21 116
117 PB8 GTXCK PWMH2   GTX4 MCI1_CDA PB19 118
119 PB9 GTXEN PWML2   GRX4 MCI1_DA3 PB23 120
121 PB2 GTX2 TK1   G125CKO USART1 RTS1 PB27 122
123 PB6 GRX2 TD1     RXD1 PB28 124
125 PB5 GRX1 PWML1     TXD1 PB29 126
127 PB16 GMDC     GRX7 CTS1 PB26 128
129 PB25     SCK1|GRX6   RF1|GTXER EMAC:INT_N   PB10 130
131 BMS               DIBN 132
133 NRST               DIBP 134
135 TDI           DEBUG DTXD PB31 136
137 JTAGSEL           DRXD PB30 138
139 TCK SWCLK       SPI0_NPCS3|RTS0 SSC0:IRQ   PD16 140
141 TMS SWDIO             GND_POWER 142
143 TDO           USBA DHSDP HHSDPA 144
145 NTRST           DHSDM HHSDMA 146
147 WKUP           USBB   HHSDPB 148
149 SHDN             HHSDMB 150
151 D7   EBI:Dx       USBC   HHSDMC 152
153 D6           HHSDPC 154
155 D5       LCDDAT23|TIOB2 EBI NCS2 PE28 156
157 D4       LCDDAT22|TIOA2 NCS1 PE27 158
159 D3       USART2:CTS2 A23 PE23 160
161 D2       USART2:RXD2 A25 PE25 162
163 D1       USART2:TXD2 NCS0 PE26 164
165 D0         A20 PE20 166
167 PE3 A3 EBI:Ax GPIO:LED   USART2:RTS2 A24 PE24 168
169 PE5 A5     TCLK2 NWR1/NBS1 PE29 170
171 PE6 A6     USART3:RXD3 A18 PE18 172
173 PE13 A13     USART3:TXD3 A19 PE19 174
175 PE15 A15 SCK3   PWML1|IRQ MMC1:VDD_EN   PE31 176
177 PE8 A8     NWAIT MMC1:CD   PE30 178
179 PE10 A10     GPIO:LED EBI:Ax A4 PE4 180
181 PE14 A14     GPIO:LED A2 PE2 182
183 PE16 A16 CTS3   GPIO:LED A1 PE1 184
185 PE0 A0/NBS0       A7 PE7 186
187 PE11 A11     RTS3 A17 PE17 188
189 GND_POWER           A9 PE9 190
191 GND_POWER           A12 PE12 192
193 GND_POWER               VCC_3V3 194
195 GND_POWER               VCC_3V3 196
197 GND_POWER               VCC_3V3 198
199 GND_POWER               VCC_3V3 200
instruction1: in the column of "multiplex signal" signal highlighted in yellow are the ones realized by MY-SAMA5-EK200
instruction2:pins led out by MY-SAMA5-CB200-D36 are PA0~PA31、PB0~PB31、PC0~PC31、PD0~PD12、PD14~PD31、PE0~PE20、PE23~PE31

SAMA5D3 MPU介绍(SAMA5D3 MPU introduction)

SAMA5关键亮点(SAMA5 main features)

高性能(high performance)

  SAMA5 系列是专为弥补 ARM Cortex-A5 内核在功率方面的不足而设计,包括的器件能以低至 150 mW 的功耗提供高达 945DMIPS 的处理能力。
SAMA5 series is designed an an improvement for ARM Cortex-A5 in terms of insufficient power,its components can provide processing capacity up to 945DMIPS at power consumption less than 150mW

  • 1.58 DMIPS/MHz ARM Cortex-A5 内核

*1.58 DMIPS/MHz ARM Cortex-A5 kernel

  • 高达 600 MHz 的最大工作频率 (945DMIPS)

the maximum working frequency(945DMIPS) is upt to 600 MHz

  • 64 位内部总线架构、可提供高达 1600 MB/s 带宽的 32 位宽 DDR 控制器

64bit internal bus architecture,32bit DDR controller which can offer band width of up to 1600 MB/s

  • 用于高精度计算和快速数据处理的 Neon 和浮点运算单元 (FPU)

Neon and floating point calculation unit is used for highly precise calculation and fast data process

  • ARM Cortex-A5 FPU 的性能是 ARM Cortex-A8 FPU 的三倍

capability of ARM Cortex-A5 FPU is 3 times higher than that of ARM Cortex-A8 FPU

  • L2 缓存,用于提高整体系统性能

L2 cache,is used to improve performance of the whole system

低功耗(low power consumption)

  SAMA5 器件采用创新技术以降低所有模式下的功耗,并且可实现:
SAMA5 components can lower effectively power consumption in all modes by applying innovative technology and fulfill following objectives:

  • 在激活所有外设的情况下,以低于 150mW 的功耗(在工作模式下)提供高达 536MHz 的工作频率

with all external devices activated,it can provide up to 536MHz working frequency with less than 150mW(in working mode)

  • 在运行 SRAM 和 寄存器保留的低功耗模式下,功耗低于 0.5mW 且唤醒时间短于 0.5ms。在运行RTC(实时时钟)的备份模式下功耗约为 1.2μA

in low power consumption mode with SRAM and register kept,the power consumption is as low as 0.5mW and waking up takes only less than 0.5ms.in backup mode of RTC(real time clock),the power consumption is about 1.2μA

  • 电池供电系统的理想之选

the best choice for the systems powered by battery


  SAMA5 器件嵌入了各种高级通信外设,因此是网桥和网关的理想之选。
SAMA5 components embed various kinds of high class communication external devices,so it is the best choice for network bridge and gateway

  • 支持 IEEE1588 的以太网 MAC 和千兆位以太网 MAC、双 CAN 端口

support IEEE1588 ethernet MAC and Gbps ethernet MAC,dual CAN ports

  • 可配置为三个主机或两个主机及一个器件端口的三个高速 USB 端口

can be configured to 3 hosts or two host+3 high speed USB interfaces of one component port

  • 多个 SDIO/SD/MMC 端口、UART、SPI、TWI、软调制解调器、CMOS 图像传感器接口、ADC、32 位定时器等。有关更多详细信息,请参阅“器件概述”选项卡

multiple SDIO/SD/MMC interface、UART、SPI、TWI、soft modulator、CMOS image sensor interface、ADC、32 timer and ect. please refer to "component overview" tab for more details.

增强的用户界面(enhanced user interface)

  使用 SAMA5 MPU,可以创建当今应用所需的时尚、平稳的用户界面。
you can create upt to date user interface in fashionable,stable style with SAMA5 MPU.

  • 图形 LCD 控制器具有图像合成叠加和集成功能(如 α 混合、缩放、颜色转换和旋转)

graphic LCD controller features synthesis and superimposition of image and integration( such as αblend,zoom,color transform and rotation)

  • 720p 硬件视频解码器,用于加快支持当今主流视频标准的视频回放

720p hardware video decoder is used to support playback of vedio in current main stream standard

  • 电阻式触摸屏界面

resistance touch screen interface

  • CMOS 图像传感器接口

CMOS image sensor interface


  SAMA5 系列包括防止克隆、确保真实性以及保护应用的通信和数据存储安全的功能。
safety of SAMA5 series incudes functions of preventing copy,ensuring facticity and protecting application communication and data storage

  • 安全引导

satefy boot

  • 硬件加密引擎,如高级加密标准 (AES)/三重数据加密标准 (DES)、RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) 和 ECC(椭圆曲线加密)以及安全哈希算法 (SHA) 和真正的随机号码生成器 (TRNG)

hardware encrypt engine,such as high class encrypt standard(AES)/triple data encription standard (DES)、RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) and ECC(elliptic curve crypto) and secure hash algorithm(SHA) and true Random number generator(TRNG)

  • 通过外部 DDR 内存即时加密/解密代码

immediately encrypt code/decode through external DDR memory

  • 管脚篡改检测,以保护系统免受物理入侵

detect tamper of pin, to protect system from physical intruding

  • 密钥和数据的安全存储

cipher key and data safe storage

  • ARM 信任区域,用于对系统、外设和内存资源进行分区,以将安全关键型软件与开放环境操作系统隔离

ARM trusted area is for the partition among system,peripherals and internal resources to isolate the main software related to safety with environment operating system


  SAMA5 系列具有的功能可轻松简便地实施如 IEC61508 等安全标准。
functions possessed by SAMA5 can meet easiy with the safety standard such as IEC61508

  • 主晶体振荡器时钟具有故障检测器

main crystal oscillator cock can work as a fault detector

  • 上电复位

power on and reset

  • 独立的看门狗定时器

independent watch dog timer

  • 寄存器写保护

writing protection of register

  • 内存管理单元 (MMU) 允许在内存内设置区域保护

memory management unit allow a setting of zone prorection in the memory

  • 基于 SHA 的 ICM(完整性检查监控器),用于验证内存内容的完整性

ICM(monitor of integrity) based on SHA is used to verify integrity of content in memory

  • Arm 信任区域

Arm tursted zone

低系统成本(low cost of system)

  SAMA5 凭借高度的系统集成,在实现最大灵活性的同时还减少了对其他昂贵组件的需求。
SAMA5 realize the purpose of maximum flexibility and the the same time reducing demands for other expensive components by high integrity of system

  • 0.8mm 球间距封装简化了 PCB 设计并降低了成本

0.8mm ball spacing package simplify PCB design and lower cost

  • 最低功耗方案,需要芯片离散的电源或低成本 PMIC

scheme for minimum low consumption need Chip discrete power and low cost

  • 三个高速 USB 端口节省了外部集线器的成本

3 high speed USB ports help to save the cost for external integrator

  • DDR(双数据速率)内存线路上的阻抗控件节省了外部电阻器

impedance control on memory circuit of DDR(dual data rate) save exteranl resistors

  • 嵌入式 RTC 节省了外部组件

embeded RTC save external components

  • 集成的软调制解调器解决方案节省了外部调制解调器设备的成本

solution with soft modulator integrated save cost for adding external modulator

SAMA5D3 Features


  • ARM Cortex-A5 Processor with ARM v7-A Thumb2? Instruction Set
    • CPU Frequency up to 536 MHz
  • 32 Kbyte Data Cache, 32 Kbyte Instruction Cache, Virtual Memory System Architecture (VMSA)
  • Fully Integrated MMU and Floating Point Unit (VFPv4)


  • One 160 Kbyte Internal ROM Single-cycle Access at System Speed, Embedded Boot Loader: Boot on 8-bit
  • NAND Flash, SDCard, eMMC, serial DataFlash?, selectable Order
  • One 128 Kbyte Internal SRAM, Single-cycle Access at System Speed
  • High Bandwidth 32-bit Multi-port Dynamic RAM Controller supporting 512 Mbyte 8 bank DDR2/LPDDR/LPDDR2 with datapath scrambling
  • Independent Static Memory Controller with datapath scrambling and SLC/MLC NAND Support with up to 24-bit Error Correcting Code (PMECC)

System running up to 166 MHz

  • Reset Controller, Shut Down Controller, Periodic Interval Timer, Watchdog Timer and Real-time Clock
  • Boot Mode Select Option, Remap Command
  • Internal Low-power 32 kHz RC Oscillator and Fast 12 MHz RC Oscillator
  • Selectable 32768 Hz Low-power Oscillator and 12 MHz Oscillator
  • One 400 to 1000 MHz PLL for the System and one PLL at 480 MHz optimize d for USB High Speed
  • 39 DMA Channels including two 8-channel 64-bit Central DMA Controllers
  • 64-bit Advanced Interrupt Controller
  • Three Programmable External Clock Signals
  • Programmable Fuse Box with 256 fuse bits, 192 of them available for Customer

Low Power Management

  • Shut Down Controller
  • Battery Backup Registers
  • Clock Generator and Power Management Controller
  • Very Slow Clock Operating Mode, Software Programmable Power Optimization Capabilities


  • LCD TFT Controller with Overlay, Alpha-blending,Rotation, Scaling and Color Space Conversion
  • ITU-R BT. 601/656 Image Sensor Interface
  • Three HS/FS/LS USB Ports with On-Chip Transceivers
    • One Device Controller
    • One Host Controller with Integrated Root Hub (3 Downstream Ports)
  • One 10/100/1000 Mbps Gigabit Ethernet MAC Controller (GMAC) with IEEE1588 support
  • One 10/100 Mbps Ethernet MAC Controller (EMAC)
  • Two CAN Controllers with 8 Mailboxes, fully Compliant with CAN 2.0 Part A and 2.0 Part B
  • Softmodem Interface
  • Three High Speed Memory Card Hosts (eMMC 4.3 and SD 2.0)
  • Two Master/Slave Serial Peripheral Interfaces
  • Two Synchronous Serial Controllers
  • Three Two-wire Interface up to 400 Kbit/s supporting I2C Protocol and SMBUS
  • Four USARTs, two UARTs, one DBGU
  • Two Three-channel 32-bit Timer/Counters
  • One 4-channel 16-bit PWM Controller
  • One 12-channel 12-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter with Resistive Touch-Screen function


  • Power-on Reset Cells
  • Independent Watchdog
  • Main Crystal Clock Failure Detection
  • Write Protection Registers
  • SHA: Supports Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA1, SHA224, SHA 256, SHA384, SHA512)
  • Memory Management Unit


  • TRNG: True Random Number Generator
  • Encryption Engine
    • AES: 256-bit, 192-bit, 128-bit Key Algorithm, Compliant with FIPS PUB 197 Specifications
    • TDES: Two-key or Three-key Algorithms, Co mpliant with FIPS PUB 46-3 Specifications
  • Atmel? Secure Boot Solution


  • Five 32-bit Parallel Input/Output Controllers
  • 160 I/Os
  • Input Change Interrupt Capability on Each I/O Line, Selectable Schmitt Trigger Input
  • Individually Programmable Open-drain, Pull-up and Pull-down Resistor, Synchronous Output, Filtering
  • Slew Rate Control on High Speed I/Os
  • Impedance Control on DDR I/Os


  • 324-ball LFBGA, 15 x 15 x 1.4 mm, pitch 0.8 mm
  • 324-ball TFBGA, 12 x 12 x 1.2 mm, pitch 0.5 mm

SAMA5D3 Embedded Characteristics


  • 12-bit key-protected programmable counter
  • Watchdog Clock is independent from Processor Clock
  • Provides reset or interrupt signals to the system
  • Counter may be stopped while the processor is in debug state or in idle mode


  • Ultra Low Power Consumption
  • Full Asynchronous Design
  • Gregorian Calendar up to 2099
  • Programmable Periodic Interrupt
  • Safety/security features:
    • Valid Time and Date Programmation Check


  • Up to 32 Programmable I/O Lines
  • Fully Programmable through Set/Clear Registers
  • Multiplexing of Four Peripheral Functions per I/O Line
  • For each I/O Line (Whether Assigned to a Peripheral or Used as General Purpose I/O)
    • Input Change Interrupt
    • Programmable Glitch Filter
    • Programmable Debouncing Filter
    • Multi-drive Option Enables Driving in Open Drain
    • Programmable Pull-Up on Each I/O Line
    • Pin Data Status Register, Supplies Visibility of the Level on the Pin at Any Time
    • Additional Interrupt Modes on a Programmable Event: Rising Edge, Falling Edge, Low-Level or High-Level
    • Lock of the Configuration by the Connected Peripheral
  • Synchronous Output, Provides Set and Clear of Several I/O Lines in a Single Write
  • Register Write Protection
  • Programmable Schmitt Trigger Inputs
  • Programmable I/O Drive


  • Dual AHB Master Interface
  • Supports Single Scan Active TFT Display
  • Supports 12-, 16-, 18- and 24-bit Output Mode through the Spatial Dithering Unit
  • Asynchronous Output Mode Supported (at synthesis time)
  • 1, 2, 4, 8 bits per pixel (palletized)
  • 12, 16, 18, 19, 24, 25 and 32 bits per pixel (non palletized)
  • Supports One Base Layer (background)
  • Supports Two Overlay Layer Windows
  • Supports One High End Overlay (HEO) Window
  • Supports One Hardware Cursor, Fixed or Free Size
  • Hardware Cursor Fixed Size on the following patterns: 32x32, 64x64 and 128x128
  • Little Endian Memory Organization
  • Programmable Timing Engine, with Integer Clock Divider
  • Programmable Polarity for Data, Line Synchro and Frame Synchro.
  • Display Size up to 2048x2048, or up to 720p in video format
  • Color Lookup Table with up to 256 entries and Predefined 8-bit Alpha
  • Programmable Negative and Positive Row Striding for all Layers
  • Programmable Negative and Positive Pixel Striding for all Overlay1, Overlay2 and HEO layers
  • High End Overlay supports 4:2:0 Planar Mode and Semiplanar Mode
  • High End Overlay supports 4:2:2 Planar Mode, Semiplanar Mode and Packed
  • High End Overlay includes Chroma Upsampling Unit
  • Horizontal and Vertical Rescaling unit with Edge Interpolation and Independent Non Integer Ratio
  • Hidden Layer Removal supported.
  • Integrates Fully Programmable Color Space Conversion
  • Overlay1, Overlay2 and High End Overlay Integrate Rotation Engine: 90, 180, 270
  • Blender Function Supports Arbitrary 8-bit Alpha Value and Chroma Keying
  • DMA User interface uses Linked List Structure and Add-to-queue Structure


  • ITU-R BT. 601/656 8-bit Mode External Interface Support
  • Supports up to 12-bit Grayscale CMOS Sensors
  • Support for ITU-R BT.656-4 SAV and EAV Synchronization
  • Vertical and Horizontal Resolutions up to 2048*2048
  • Preview Path
    • Up to 2048*2048 in Grayscale Mode
    • Up to 640*480 in RGB Mode
  • 32 Bytes FIFO on Codec Path
  • 32 Bytes FIFO on Preview Path
  • Support for Packed Data Formatting for YCbCr 4:2:2 Formats
  • Preview Scaler to Generate Smaller Size image
  • Programmable Frame Capture Rate
  • VGA, QVGA, CIF, QCIF Formats Supported for LCD Preview
  • Custom Formats with Horizontal and Vertical Preview Size as Multiples of 16 Also Supported for LCD Preview


  • 1 Device High Speed
  • 1 UTMI transceiver shared between Host and Device
  • USB v2.0 High Speed Compliant, 480 Mbit/s
  • 16 Endpoints up to 1024 bytes
  • Embedded Dual-port RAM for Endpoints
  • Suspend/Resume Logic (Command of UTMI)
  • Up to Three Memory Banks for Endpoints (Not for Control Endpoint)
  • 8 KBytes of DPRAM


  • Compliant with Enhanced HCI Rev 1.0 Specification
    • Compliant with USB V2.0 High-speed
    • Supports High-speed 480 Mbps
  • Compliant with OpenHCI Rev 1.0 Specification
    • Compliant with USB V2.0 Full-speed and Low-speed Specification
    • Supports both Low-speed 1.5 Mbps and Full-speed 12 Mbps USB devices
  • Root Hub Integrated with 3 Downstream USB HS Ports
  • Embedded USB Transceivers
  • Supports Power Management
  • Hosts (A and B) High Speed (EHCI), Port A shared with UDPHS


  • Compatible with IEEE Standard 802.3
  • 10, 100 and 1000 Mbps operation
  • Full and half duplex operation at all supported speeds of operation
  • Statistics Counter Registers for RMON/MIB
  • MII/GMII/RGMII interface to the physical layer
  • Integrated physical coding
  • Direct memory access (DMA) interface to external memory
  • Programmable burst length and endianism for DMA
  • Interrupt generation to signal receive and transmit completion, or errors
  • Automatic pad and cyclic redundancy check (CRC) generation on transmitted frames
  • Frame extension and frame bursting at 1000 Mbps in half duplex mode
  • Automatic discard of frames received with errors
  • Receive and transmit IP, TCP and UDP checksum offload. Both IPv4 and IPv6 packet types supported
  • Address checking logic for four specific 48-bit addresses, four type IDs, promiscuous mode, hash matching of
  • unicast and multicast destination addresses and Wake-on-LAN
  • Management Data Input/Output (MDIO) interface for physical layer management
  • Support for jumbo frames up to 10240 bytes
  • Full duplex flow control with recognition of incoming pause frames and hardware generation of transmitted pause
  • frames
  • Half duplex flow control by forcing collisions on incoming frames
  • Support for 802.1Q VLAN tagging with recognition of incoming VLAN and priority tagged frames
  • Support for 802.1Qbb priority-based flow control
  • Programmable Inter Packet Gap (IPG) Stretch
  • Recognition of IEEE 1588 PTP frames
  • IEEE 1588 time stamp unit (TSU)
  • Support for 802.1AS timing and synchronization


  • Supports RMII Interface to the physical layer
  • Compatible with IEEE Standard 802.3
  • 10 and 100 Mbit/s Operation
  • Full-duplex and Half-duplex Operation
  • Statistics Counter Registers
  • Interrupt Generation to Signal Receive and Transmit Completion
  • DMA Master on Receive and Transmit Channels
  • Transmit and Receive FIFOs
  • Automatic Pad and CRC Generation on Transmitted Frames
  • Automatic Discard of Frames Received with Errors
  • Address Checking Logic Supports Up to Four Specific 48-bit Addresses
  • Supports Promiscuous Mode Where All Valid Received Frames are Copied to Memory
  • Hash Matching of Unicast and Multicast Destination Addresses
  • Physical Layer Management through MDIO Interface
  • Half-duplex Flow Control by Forcing Collisions on Incoming Frames
  • Full-duplex Flow Control with Recognition of Incoming Pause Frames
  • Support for 802.1Q VLAN Tagging with Recognition of Incoming VLAN and Priority Tagged Frames
  • Multiple Buffers per Receive and Transmit Frame
  • Wake-on-LAN Support
  • Jumbo Frames Up to 10240 bytes Supported


  • Compatible with MultiMedia Card Specification Version 4.3
  • Compatible with SD Memory Card Specification Version 2.0
  • Compatible with SDIO Specification Version 2.0
  • Compatible with CE-ATA Specification 1.1
  • Cards Clock Rate Up to Master Clock Divided by 2
  • Boot Operation Mode Support
  • High Speed Mode Support
  • Embedded Power Management to Slow Down Clock Rate When Not Used
  • Supports 1 Multiplexed Slot(s)
    • Each Slot for either a High Speed MultiMedia Card Bus (Up to 30 Cards) or an SD Memory Card
  • Support for Stream, Block and Multi-block Data Read and Write
  • Supports Connection to DMA Controller (DMAC)
    • Minimizes Processor Intervention for Large Buffer Transfers
  • Built in FIFO (from 16 to 256 bytes) with Large Memory Aperture Supporting Incremental Access
  • Support for CE-ATA Completion Signal Disable Command
  • Protection Against Unexpected Modification On -the-Fly of the Configuration Registers


  • Supports Communication with Serial External Devices
    • Master Mode can drive SPCK up to peripheral clock (bounded by maximum bus clock divided by 2)
    • Slave Mode operates on SPCK, asynchronously to Core and Bus Clock
    • Four Chip Selects with External Decoder Support Allow Communication with Up to 15 Peripherals
    • Serial Memories, such as DataFlash and 3-wire EEPROMs
    • Serial Peripherals, such as ADCs, DACs, LCD Controllers, CAN Controllers and Sensors
    • External Coprocessors
  • Master or Slave Serial Peripheral Bus Interface
    • 8-bit to 16-bit Programmable Data Length Per Chip Select
    • Programmable Phase and Polarity Per Chip Select
    • Programmable Transfer Delay Between Consecutive Transfers and Delay before SPI Clock per Chip Select
    • Programmable Delay Between Chip Selects
    • Selectable Mode Fault Detection
  • Connection to DMA Channel Capabilities Optimizes Data Transfers
    • One channel for the Receiver, One Channel for the Transmitter


  • 3 TWIs
  • Compatible with Atmel Two-wire Interface Serial Memory and I2C Compatible Devices
  • One, Two or Three Bytes for Slave Address
  • Sequential Read-write Operations
  • Master, Multi-master and Slave Mode Operation
  • Bit Rate: Up to 400 Kbit/s
  • General Call Supported in Slave mode
  • SMBUS Quick Command Supported in Master Mode
  • Connection to DMA Controller (DMA) Channel Capabilities Optimizes Data Transfers


  • Provides Serial Synchronous Communication Links Used in Audio and Telecom Applications
  • Contains an Independent Receiver and Transmitter and a Common Clock Divider
  • Interfaced with the DMA Controller (DMAC) to Reduce Processor Overhead
  • Offers a Configurable Frame Sync and Data Length
  • Receiver and Transmitter Can be Programmed to Start Automatically or on Detection of Different Events on the
  • Frame Sync Signal
  • Receiver and Transmitter Include a Data Signal, a Clock Signal and a Frame Synchronization Signal


  • System Peripheral to Facilitate Debug of Atmel? ARM?-based Systems
  • Composed of Four Functions
    • Two-pin UART
    • Debug Communication Channel (DCC) Support
    • Chip ID Registers
    • ICE Access Prevention
  • Two-pin UART
    • Implemented Features are USART Compatible
    • Independent Receiver and Transmitter with a Common Programmable Baud Rate Generator
    • Even, Odd, Mark or Space Parity Generation
    • Parity, Framing and Overrun Error Detection
    • Automatic Echo, Local Loopback and Remote Loopback Channel Modes
    • Interrupt Generation
    • Support for Two DMA Channels with Connection to Receiver and Transmitter
  • Debug Communication Channel Support
    • Offers Visibility of COMMRX and COMM TX Signals from the ARM Processor
    • Interrupt Generation
  • Chip ID Registers
    • Identification of the Device Revision, Sizes of the Embedded Memories, Set of Peripherals
  • ICE Access Prevention
    • Enables Software to Prevent System Access Through the ARM Processor’s ICE
    • Prevention is Made by Asserting the NTRST Line of the ARM Processor’s ICE


  • Two-pin UART
    • Independent Receiver and Transmitter with a Common Programmable Baud Rate Generator
    • Even, Odd, Mark or Space Parity Generation
    • Parity, Framing and Overrun Error Detection
    • Automatic Echo, Local Loopback and Remote Loopback Channel Modes
    • Interrupt Generation
    • Support for Two DMA Channels with Connection to Receiver and Transmitter


  • Programmable Baud Rate Generator
  • 5- to 9-bit Full-duplex Synchronous or Asynchronous Serial Communications
    • 1, 1.5 or 2 Stop Bits in Asynchronous Mode or 1 or 2 Stop Bits in Synchronous Mode
    • Parity Generation and Error Detection
    • Framing Error Detection, Overrun Error Detection
    • MSB- or LSB-first
    • Optional Break Generation and Detection
    • By 8 or by 16 Over-sampling Receiver Frequency
    • Optional Hardware Handshaking RTS-CTS
    • Receiver Time-out and Transmitter Timeguard
    • Optional Multidrop Mode with Address Generation and Detection
  • RS485 with Driver Control Signal
  • ISO7816, T = 0 or T = 1 Protocols for Interfacing with Smart Cards
    • NACK Handling, Error Counter with Repetition and Iteration Limit
    • IrDA Modulation and Demodulation
    • Communication at up to 115.2 Kbps
  • SPI Mode
    • Master or Slave
    • Serial Clock Programmable Phase and Polarity
    • SPI Serial Clock (SCK) Frequency up to Internal Clock Frequency MCK/6
  • Test Modes
    • Remote Loopback, Local Loopback, Automatic Echo
  • Supports Connection of:
    • Two DMA Controller Channels (DMAC)
  • Offers Buffer Transfer without Processor Intervention


  • Fully Compliant with CAN 2.0 Part A and 2.0 Part B
  • Bit Rates up to 1 Mbit/s
  • 8 Object Oriented Mailboxes with the Following Properties:
    • CAN Specification 2.0 Part A or 2.0 Part B Programmable for Each Message
    • Object Configurable in Receive (with Overwrite or Not) or Transmit Modes
    • Independent 29-bit Identifier and Mask Defined for Each Mailbox
    • 32-bit Access to Data Registers for Each Mailbox Data Object
    • Uses a 16-bit Timestamp on Receive and Transmit Messages
    • Hardware Concatenation of ID Masked Bitfields To Speed Up Family ID Processing
  • 16-bit Internal Timer for Timestamping and Network Synchronization
  • Programmable Reception Buffer Length up to 8 Mailbox Objects
  • Priority Management between Transmission Mailboxes
  • Autobaud and Listening Mode
  • Low Power Mode and Programmable Wake-up on Bus Activity or by the Application
  • Data, Remote, Error and Overload Frame Handling
  • Write Protected Registers


  • Channels
  • Common Clock Generator Providing Thirteen Different Clocks
    • A Modulo n Counter Providing Eleven Clocks
    • Two Independent Linear Dividers Working on Modulo n Counter Outputs
  • Independent Channels
    • Independent 16-bit Counter for Each Channel
    • Independent Complementary Outputs with 12-bit Dead-Time Generator (Also Called Dead-Band or Non-Overlapping Time) for Each Channel
    • Independent Enable Disable Command for Each Channel
    • Independent Clock Selection for Each Channel
    • Independent Period, Duty-Cycle and Dead-Time for Each Channel
    • Independent Double Buffering of Period, Duty-Cycle and Dead-Times for Each Channel
    • Independent Programmable Selection of The Output Waveform Polarity for Each Channel
    • Independent Programmable Center or Left Aligned Output Waveform for Each Channel
    • Independent Output Override for Each Channel
    • Independent Interrupt for Each Channel, at Each Period for Left-Aligned or Center-Aligned Configuration
  • 2 2-bit Gray Up/Down Channels for Stepper Motor Control
  • Synchronous Channel Mode
    • Synchronous Channels Share the Same Counter
    • Mode to Update the Synchronous Channels Registers after a Programmable Number of Periods
  • 2 Independent Events Lines Intended to Synchronize ADC Conversions
    • Programmable delay for Events Lines to delay ADC measurements
  • 8 Comparison Units Intended to Generate Interrupts, Pulses on Event Lines
  • 1 Programmable Fault/Break Inputs Providing an Asynchronous Protection of PWM Outputs
    • 4 User Driven through PIO inputs
    • PMC Driven when Crystal Oscillator Clock Fails
    • ADC Controller Driven through Configurable Comparison Function
  • Write Protected Registers


  • 12-bit Resolution
  • 1 MHz Conversion Rate
  • Wide Range Power Supply Operation
  • Selectable Single Ended or Differential Input Voltage
  • Programmable Gain For Maximum Full Scale Input Range 0 - VDD
  • Resistive 4-wire and 5-wire Touchscreen Controller
    • Position and Pressure Measurement for 4-wire screens
    • Position Measurement for 5-wire screens
    • Average of up to 8 measures for noise filtering
  • Programmable Pen Detection sensitivity
  • Integrated Multiplexer Offering Up to 12 Independent Analog Inputs
  • Individual Enable and Disable of Each Channel
  • Hardware or Software Trigger
    • External Trigger Pin
    • Timer Counter Outputs (Corresponding TIOA Trigger)
    • Internal Trigger Counter
    • Trigger on Pen Contact Detection
    • PWM Event Line
  • Drive of PWM Fault Input
  • DMA Support
  • Possibility of ADC Timings Configuration
  • Two Sleep Modes and Conversion Sequencer
    • Automatic Wakeup on Trigger and Back to Sleep Mode after Conversions of all Enabled Channels
    • Possibility of Customized Channel Sequence
  • Standby Mode for Fast Wakeup Time Response
    • Power Down Capability
  • Automatic Window Comparison of Converted Values
    • Write Protect Registers