“MY-IMX6 L31452 模块支持(TW6865)”的版本间的差异

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第1行: 第1行:
  <b>明远智睿发布的 Linux-3.14.52 已添加对 MY-MODULES-PCIE-TW6865 的支持。</b><br>
<b>明远智睿发布的 Linux-3.14.52 已添加对 MY-MODULES-PCIE-TW6865 的支持。</b><br>
  <span style="background:#CCCCCC"><b>support for MY-MODULES-PCIE-TW6865 was added in Linux-3.14.52 released by MYZR。</span></b><br>
  <span style="background:#CCCCCC"><b>support for MY-MODULES-PCIE-TW6865 was added in Linux-3.14.52 released by MYZR。</span></b><br>
第74行: 第76行:
  MY-MODULES-PCIE-TW6865 作为开发板的扩展模块,提供编译好的驱动模块文件和可执行文件,不提供模块的驱动源码和程序源码,如有需要请咨询我司的技术支持。<br>
  MY-MODULES-PCIE-TW6865 作为开发板的扩展模块,提供编译好的驱动模块文件和可执行文件,不提供模块的驱动源码和程序源码,如有需要请咨询我司的技术支持。<br>
  <span style="background:#CCCCCC">MY-MODULES-PCIE-TW6865 as expansion module of development board,a compifed driving module file and executable file will be offered,source code for module and program is not included in the offer,  please consult with our technical supporter if there is a request for these orignal documents。</span>)<br>
  <span style="background:#CCCCCC">MY-MODULES-PCIE-TW6865 as expansion module of development board,a compifed driving module file and executable file will be offered,source code for module and program is not included in the offer,  please consult with our technical supporter if there is a request for these orignal documents。</span>)<br>

2018年6月11日 (一) 15:42的版本

  明远智睿发布的 Linux-3.14.52 已添加对 MY-MODULES-PCIE-TW6865 的支持。
  support for MY-MODULES-PCIE-TW6865 was added in Linux-3.14.52 released by MYZR。</span>

  development board supported:MY-IMX6-EK200MY-IMX6-EK314MY-IMX6-EK336

  使用明远智睿发布的 image 文件即可测试 TW6865 模块,参见本文中的“模块测试”章节。
  TW6865 module can be tested by image file released by MYZR,refer to section of“module test”in this charpter。

  另外,自己编译内核 image 的方法参照本文中的“内核编译”章节。
  in addition,if you need to compile kernel image file by yourself please refer to section of “kernel compilation”in this charpter。

模块测试(module test)

更新烧录工具的 image 文件(update image file in programming tool)

  更新 image-linux-31452/zImage-myimx6 到 2016-11-03 后发布的 。
  update image-linux-31452/zImage-myimx6 to the ones released after 2016-11-03。
  更新 image-linux-31452/my-demo.tar.bz2 到 2016-11-03 后发布的。
  update image-linux-31452/my-demo.tar.bz2 to the ones released after 2016-11-03 。

重新烧录系统(re-program system)

  参照《MY-IMX6 MfgTool 烧录指导手册》重新烧录系统。
  refer to 《MY-IMX6 MfgTool burning manual》 to re-program system。
  提示:建议烧录 distro-fsl-image.tar.bz2 文件系统。
  tips:suggest programming distro-fsl-image.tar.bz2 file system。
  power off after the system programming。

连接开发板和模块(connect development board and module)

  用模块配的软排线将开发板背面的PCIE连接器与 MY-MODULES-PCIE-TW6865 正确连接。
  correctly connect PCIE connector in back of development board and MY-MODULES-PCIE-TW6865 wiht FFC which is accessory of module。
  tips:when insert FFC to the connector,blue side of FFC should be in contact with the black bolt face of connector 。
  tips:if connect correctly,the metal contacts of FFC won't come out of the connector.if not be sure whether the connection is correct or not,please don't power on,ask your hardware engineers or our technical supporter for help。
  then connect camera with module。

模块测试步骤(module test procedures)

上电启动(power up and boot)

  after correct connection of development board and module,power up camera and development board.wait untill system booting is over。

加载驱动模块(load driving module)

  # insmod /home/root/my-demo/linux-3.14.52/myimx6-tw68.ko

执行测试程序(run test program)

  # EXEC_FILE=myimx6_tw68.out
  # /home/root/my-demo/linux-3.14.52/${EXEC_FILE} -x 2 -ot 0 -ol 0 -ow 512 -oh 300 -m 2 &
  # /home/root/my-demo/linux-3.14.52/${EXEC_FILE} -x 3 -ot 0 -ol 512 -ow 512 -oh 300 -m 2 &
  # /home/root/my-demo/linux-3.14.52/${EXEC_FILE} -x 4 -ot 300 -ol 0 -ow 512 -oh 300 -m 2 &
  # /home/root/my-demo/linux-3.14.52/${EXEC_FILE} -x 5 -ot 300 -ol 512 -ow 512 -oh 300 -m 2 &

测试结果说明(test result instruction)

  after running test commands,picture frame in grid shape will be shown on displayed screen,each picture frame display images collected by corresponding camera。

内核编译(kernel compilation)

准备源码(prepare source code)

  在网盘下载新的内核源码包,源码包可以是 linux-3.14.52-svn88.tar.xz 或 svn88 以上的 linux-3.14.52 源码包。
  in network disk download the new kernel source code package of which can be linux-3.14.52-svn88.tar.xz or svn88 above。

内核编译步骤(kernel compilation procedure)

  参照《MY-IMX6 Linux-3.14.52 编译手册》
  refer to 《MY-IMX6 Linux-3.14.52 compilation manual》

其它说明(other instructions)

  MY-MODULES-PCIE-TW6865 作为开发板的扩展模块,提供编译好的驱动模块文件和可执行文件,不提供模块的驱动源码和程序源码,如有需要请咨询我司的技术支持。
  MY-MODULES-PCIE-TW6865 as expansion module of development board,a compifed driving module file and executable file will be offered,source code for module and program is not included in the offer, please consult with our technical supporter if there is a request for these orignal documents。)