MYZR Win10 VB5212 U14045 x64 Env

Admin讨论 | 贡献2022年8月24日 (三) 16:47的版本 Virtual Machine system

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File Download

Virtual Machine software
  • VirtualBox-5.2.12

  Location: MYZR- common resource -> virtual machine software and systems -> VirtualBox-5.2.12

Virtual Machine system
  • Ubuntu-14.04.5

  Location: MYZR- common resource -> virtual machine software and system -> 1.0_VirtualBox-5.2.12__ubuntu-14.04.5__WIN10(1803) ->vb52-u14045-amd64.20181203.ova

Virtual machine software installation

Downloaded "VirtualBox-5.2.12" folder, double-click "VirtualBox-5.2.12-122591-Win.exe", and refer to "01_VB5212_Installation" installation.

Configure Windows for the virtual machine

Add a Windows network card

Open the downloaded "VirtualBox-5.2.12" folder and refer to "03_WIN10_LoopbackAdapterAdd" to add the Loopback Adapter to Windows.

Configure the Windows network card

Open the downloaded "VirtualBox-5.2.12" folder and refer to “04_WIN10_LoopbackAdapterSettings” ,Configure the Loopback Adapter under Windows.

Import a virtual machine system

Open the downloaded "VirtualBox-5.2.12" folder and refer to “07_VB5212_ImportVirtualAppliance_U14045” ,Import the virtual machine system into VirtualBox.

Virtual machine Settings

Open the downloaded "VirtualBox-5.2.12" folder and refer to “08_VB5212_VirtualMachineSettings_U14045” ,Configure the virtual machine.

Virtual machine usage

  • Username and password
Default user: tangb,UserName:myzr,Password:myzr2012
Super user: root, UserName:root,Password:myzr2012