MY-IMX6 Linux-3.14.52 Module Support(OV5642)

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  Support for MY-MODULES-CMOS-OV5642 was added in Linux-3.14.52 released by MYZR.
    Development board supported:MY-IMX6-EK200MY-IMX6-EK314MY-IMX6-EK336.
     OV5642 module can be tested by programming image file released by MYZR,refer to “module test”section in this charpter.

Module test

Procedures of module test

Module link

  Correctly insert expansion module of MY-MODULES-CMOS-OV5642 into CAMARE port on development board.

Power up and boot

  After correct connection between development board and module,power up development board. wait untill system is finished with booting.

Load drving module

  # insmod /lib/modules/3.14.52-svn*/kernel/drivers/media/platform/mxc/capture/ov5642_camera.ko

Run test command

  # /unit_tests/mxc_v4l2_overlay.out -iw 640 -ih 480 -ow 640 -oh 480

Test reulst instruction

  After running test commands,screen will display images collected by the camera.

Other instructions

  MY-MODULES-CMOS-OV5642 source code is open source,position of driving files under kernel directory:drivers/media/platform/mxc/capture/ov5642.c.