MY-IMX6 MfgTool User Guide

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Prepare burning tools

Download burning tools

Download the corresponding burning tool under the “*_system_*/04_burning tool” directory on the network disk according to your own evaluation board model and the required target system.

MY-IMX6-EK140、MY-IMX6-EK140P ownload the burn tool directory beginning with MfgTool-MYIMX6A7.
MY-IMX6-EK200、MY-IMX6-EK314、MY-IMX6-EK3336 download the burn tool directory beginning with MfgTool-MYIMX6A9.

Schedule: System supported by the evaluation board

Evaluation board Supported Linux versions
Linux-3.0.35 Linux-3.14.52 Linux-4.1.15
Evaluation board Supported Android versions
Android-4.2.2 Android-4.4.2 Android-5.1.1
Configuration burning tool
  1. Run the burning tool configuration program "MfgConfig.exe".
  2. Evaluation Kit: Choose according to the main model of your development board.
  3. CPU Type: Choose according to your own development board specifications
  4. Memory Size: Choose according to your own board specifications (if you are not sure, try Default first).
  5. OS Select: Choose according to the directory system you need.
  6. Rootfs File: Choose according to the file system you need (see the instructions below).
  7. Click "Make", the configuration tool will generate the configuration file "cfg.ini" used by the burning tool.
  8. Run the main program "MfgTool2.exe" of the burning tool (if you get an error, try to operate on another computer).

  Rootfs File Rootfs File option with a "minimal" is a very small number of Linux File systems (many applications of Linux systems might not).
  Rootfs File option with "Linux" is a regular Linux File system (containing many more applications of Linux than minimal).
  Rootfs File option with "qt" is a Linux File system with qt (containing regular Linux systems and qt).
  The QT version of Linux-3.0.35 is 4.8.5
  The QT version of Linux-3.14.52 is 5.5.0
  The QT version of Linux-4.1.15 is 5.6.1

For the development of board burning system

Keep the development board in download mode

  Find the two-bit dial SWITCH indicated by "BOOTMODE" or "BOOT SWITCH" ON the development board, 1 ON and 2 OFF.

Connect the development board to the computer
  1. Connect the MiniUSB cable to the development board and computer.(To ensure the stability of the programming, please use the rear USB port of the computer. If you are using a USB HUB, please connect the USB HUB to the power supply).
  2. Connect the development board to the computer with the serial line and open the serial port software on the computer.
  3. Connect the power cord to the development board and power it on.
Burning system to development board
  1. Close the main program "MfgTool2.exe" of the burning tool and run it again.
    MY IMX6 MfgTool
    • If the main program starts incorrectly, close the "MfgTool" in the process list of the Windows task manager, and then run the main program.
    • If the main program displays "No Device Connected", check the connection status of the MiniUSB cable and confirm whether the dial code of the development board is in download mode.
  2. Click the "Start" button on the main interface of the burn tool to Start the burn.
    MY IMX6 MfgTool
  3. In the process of burning, PC opportunity assessment board recognition as a storage device, then whether you need the pop-up dialog prompt formatting, here "cancel" or ignore the dialog or close the dialog box.
    MY IMX6 MfgTool
  4. When the burn is complete, the message bar prints "Done" and the status bar turns green.Click "Stop" to complete the burn.Click "Exit" to Exit MFG Tools.
    MY IMX6 MfgTool
Burning error handling
  1. Observe and retain the information on the main program of the burning tool. This information will indicate the specific stage of the burning error.
  2. Observe and retain the last part of the computer serial terminal software, this information will indicate the specific cause of the burning error.
    • If you don't understand it, you can send these two pieces of information to our email ( or forum ( for support.
Start the development board
  • Power off the development board

  After the burning is completed, turn off the power of the development board, and prepare to change the boot mode of the development board.

  • Change Boot mode to boot mode

  Find the two-digit DIP switch indicated by “BOOTMODE” or “BOOT SWITCH” on the development board, turn 1 to OFF and 2 to ON.

  • For development of board power

  Power on the development board, and the serial terminal software will see the information about the system startup.

Production use of burning tools

Configure burn tool to burn multiple equipment at the same time

  Our current burn tool can burn seven devices at the same time by:   Open UICfg.ini in the burning tool and change "PortMgrDlg=1" to "PortMgrDlg=7". Then the computer connects seven devices through the USB HUB, then turn on the burning tool, and then burn according to the process.

Burn your own compiled Image

  According to the following "system version and corresponding file relationship table", replace the file compiled by yourself with the corresponding file in the burning tool, and re-burn the system for the development board.
  For example, if the u-boot of the Linux-3.14.52 MY-IMX6-EK200-6Q-1G development board is compiled, then open the burn tool to the “image-linux-31452” directory and replace the compiled u-boot file with uboot-myimx6ek200-6q.imx.

Burn your own application

  Package your application as "my-demo. Tar.bz2" and replace the "my-demo. Tar.bz2" in the burn tool and re-burn the system for the development board based on the later "system version and corresponding file relational table".
  Note: "my-demo.tar.bz2" will be burned to the "/" directory of the development board.

Burn your own file system updates

  According to the following "system version and corresponding file relationship table", package a self-updating package, replace the corresponding file in the burning tool, and re-burn the system for the development board.
  Note: the file system update package will be burned to the root of the development board.

Other instructions
  1. All the above points can be replaced before burning.
  2. In the process of production, if no changes are made to the configuration of the burn tool, there is no need to exit and run the burn tool repeatedly, or even click the STOP button of the main program of the burn tool.When a device is burned out, the power of the device can be cut off. After connecting to the new device, the recording tool will burn the device.

Attached Table

Table 1: system version and corresponding file relational table
system version file type Location corresponding file
Linux-3.0.35 U-Boot file Profiles/Linux/OS Firmware image-L3.0.35-uboot/uboot-<ek name>-<ek spec>.bin
core files image-L3.0.35-kernel/uImage-myimx6a9
Kernel module package image-L3.0.35-kernel/kernel-modules-myimx6a9.tar.bz2
File system update package image-L3.0.35-update/L3035-rootfs-update.tar.bz2
MYZR Demo image-L3.0.35-update/my-demo.tar.bz2
Linux-3.14.52 U-Boot file Profiles/Linux/OS Firmware image-L3.14.52-uboot/uboot-<ek name>-<ek spec>.imx
core files image-L3.14.52-kernel/zImage-myimx6[a9 | a7 ]
Kernel module package image-L3.14.52-kernel/kernel-modules-myimx6[a9 | a7].tar.bz2
Device tree file image-L3.14.52-dtb/<ek name>-<ek spec>.dtb
File system update package image-L3.14.52-update/L31452-rootfs-update.tar.bz2
MYZR Demo image-L3.14.52-update/my-demo.tar.bz2
Linux-4.1.15 U-Boot file Profiles/Linux/OS Firmware image-L4.1.15-uboot/uboot-<ek name>-<ek spec>.imx
core files image-L4.1.15-kernel/zImage-myimx6[a7 | a9]
Kernel module package image-L4.1.15-kernel/kernel-modules-myimx6[a7 | a9].tar.bz2
Device tree file image-L4.1.15-dtb/<ek name>-<ek spec>.dtb
File system update package image-L4.1.15-update/L4115-rootfs-update.tar.bz2
MYZR Demo image-L4.1.15-update/my-demo.tar.bz2
Android-4.2.2 U-Boot file Profiles/Linux/OS Firmware image-android-422/uboot-ard422-<ek name>-<ek spec>.bin
Boot Image image-android-422/boot-ard422-<ek name>.img
Recovery Image image-android-422/recovery-ard422-<ek name>.img
System Image image-android-422/system-ard422-<ek name>.img
Android-4.4.2 U-Boot file Profiles/Linux/OS Firmware image-android-442/uboot-ard442-<ek name>-<ek spec>.bin
Boot Image image-android-442/boot-ard442-<ek name>.img
Recovery Image image-android-442/recovery-ard442-<ek name>.img
System Image image-android-442/system-ard442-<ek name>.img
Android-5.1.1 U-Boot file Profiles/Linux/OS Firmware image-android-511/uboot-ard511-<ek name>-<ek spec>.bin
Boot Image image-android-511/boot-ard511-<ek name>.img
Recovery Image image-android-511/recovery-ard511-<ek name>.img
System Image image-android-511/system-ard511.img

* Looking forward to communicating with you for more functions and field applications.
* ZhuHai MYZR Technology CO.,LTD.
* Latest Update: 2018/08/15  
* Supporter: Tang Bin