MYZR-LS1012A-MB200 hardware introduction

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Interface Overview

Front view


Rear view(MB200)




Interface functions

Two-digit DIP switch

silk screen:SW1
The pins and signals are defined as follows:

Mode control 1 bit 2 bit
Flash mode x 0
Startup mode x 1

Reset switch

Silkscreen: SW2
Function: press reset

Debug serial port

Silk screen: P1
Interface attributes: UART0, RS-232 level
The pins and signals are defined as follows:

232 serial port & 485 serial port

Silk screen:J1

Name Quantity Interface Properties
RS-232 3 USB extended serial port with data rate up to 235Kbps
RS-485 3 USB extended serial port with data rate up to 12Mbps

The pins and signals are defined as follows:

DI extension

Silk screen: J2
Interface attributes: extended DI, optocoupler isolation
The pins and signals are defined as follows:

DO extension

Silkscreen: J3
Interface attributes: extended DO, optocoupler isolation
The pins and signals are defined as follows:

GPIO&PMU control

Silkscreen: J4
Interface attributes: spare pins, some can be used as GPIO The pins and signals are defined as follows:

Pin Signal Description Pin Signal Description
J4-1 INT_PMU Core board PMU interrupt request output J4-2 DUT_SAI2_RX_SYNC Core board leads, can be used as GPIO
J4-3 HRESET_PMU Pull out of core board, can be used as GPIO J4-4 DUT_SAI2_RX_BCLK Core board leads, can be used as GPIO
J4-5 PMU_GPIO1 Pull out of core board, can be used as GPIO J4-6 GND DGND
J4-7 PMU_GPIO0 Pull out of core board, can be used as GPIO J4-8 GND DGND
J4-9 PMU_GPIO2 Pull out of core board, can be used as GPIO J4-10 GND DGND
J4-11 PMU_SLEEP Core board PMU standby mode control signal input J4-12 GND DGND

4G mini-PCIE & SIM Deck

Name Screen Printing Interface Properties
4G mini-PCIE J5 miniPCIE standard interface, PCIe 2.0 standard
SIM card holder P2 Connect 4G SIM Card

The pins and signals are defined as follows:


Silkscreen: J8
Interface attributes: K20-JTAG programming module interface The pins and signals are defined as follows:

Pin Signal Description Pin Signal Description
J8-1 DUT_UART_SOUT Debug serial output J8-2 PROC_TMS Test Mode Selection
J8-3 DUT_UART_SIN Debug serial input J8-4 PROC_TCK Test Clock Output
J8-5 LSJTAG_TRST_B LS1012A reset signal J8-6 PROC_TDO Test data output
J8-7 VCC_1V8 1.8V output J8-8 PROC_TDI Test Data Entry
J8-9 GND Digitally J8-10 SDA_RST_TGTMCU K20 reset signal
J8-11 GND Digitally J8-12 GND_DETECT Ground Detection

SD Deck

Silkscreen: J9
Interface attributes: standard SD card socket, support SD3.01, speed is UHS-1 standard The pins and signals are defined as follows:

USB Extension

Silkscreen: J10
Interface attributes: USB1 expansion USB3.0 + USB2.0, USB TYPE-A interface The pins and signals are defined as follows:

Main power input & switch

Name Screen Printing Interface Properties
Main Power Input J11 Internal positive external negative jack, 5V voltage
Main Power Switch J12 Power Switch

The pins and signals are defined as follows: LS1012A-J11&J12.png


Name Screen Printing Interface Properties
Ethernet Port 1 U1 ETH1, SGMII, support 10/100 / 1000M
Ethernet port 0 U2 ETH0, SGMII, support 10/100 / 1000M

The pins and signals are defined as follows:

LORA Module

Silkscreen: U23
Interface attributes: LORA module, serial communication The pins and signals are defined as follows:

Pin Signal Attribute
U23-1、2、3、4、11、13、19、20、22 GND DGND
U23-12、14、15、16、17、18、21 NC Dangling
U23-10 5VIN Module 5V input
U23-9 LoRa_AUX Module working status indication
U23-8 LoRa_RX Module TTL serial input
U23-7 LoRa_TX Module TTL serial output
U23-6 LoRa_M1 Module Working Mode Control
U23-5 LoRa_M0 Module Working Mode Control

WIFI/BT Module

Silkscreen: U24
Interface attributes: WIFI / BT module, USB communication
The pins and signals are defined as follows:

Pin Signal Attribute
U24-2 ANT Antenna interface
U24-3 VCC_3.3V Module 3.3V Input
U24-4 WIFI_USBDM USB data positive
U24-5 WIFI_USBDP USB data negative


Silkscreen: U26
Interface attributes: ZIGBEE module, serial communication The pins and signals are defined as follows:

Pin Signal Attribute Pin Signal Attribute
U26-1 GND DGND U26-11 ZigBee_TX Module TTL serial input
U26-2 VCC_3.3V Module 3.3V Input U26-12 RUN_LED Indicate module normal operating status
U26-6 ZigBee_Baud_RST Restore the serial baud rate of 115200 U26-13 NWK_LED Indicate module network access status
U26-7 ZigBee_AT_HEX Switch instruction mode U26-24 ZigBee_nRST Module Reset
U26-10 ZigBee_RX Module TTL serial output