MYZR-R16-EK166 Linux-3.4 Test Manual

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Wifi Test

$wifi_connect_ap_test wifi_name password

  • Parameter Description:

"wifi_connect_ap_test" is the application name
"wifi_name" is the name of the wifi to connect to
"password" is the password of the wifi to connect to
For Example:
MY-R16-CB166 linux-34 test1.png

USB Test

1)Insert U disk
MY-R16-CB166 linux-34 test2-1.png
$ls /dev/sda*
MY-R16-CB166 linux-34 test2-2.png

2)Mount the U disk
MY-R16-CB166 linux-34 test2-3.png

3)View the contents of the USB flash drive
$ls /mnt
MY-R16-CB166 linux-34 test2-4.png

4)Uninstall the U disk
$umount /mnt
MY-R16-CB166 linux-34 test2-5.png

SD card Test

1)Insert SD card
MY-R16-CB166 linux-34 test3-1.png
$ls /dev/mmcblk1
MY-R16-CB166 linux-34 test3-2.png

2)Mount the SD card
MY-R16-CB166 linux-34 test3-3.png

3)View the contents of the SD card
MY-R16-CB166 linux-34 test3-4.png

4)Uninstall the SD card
MY-R16-CB166 linux-34 test3-5.png

Audio Test

1)Copy an mp3 file to the development board with a USB flash drive.
$mount /dev/sda4 /mnt/
$cp /mnt/music.mp3 /
$cd /
$tinyplayer music.mp3
MY-R16-CB166 linux-34 test4-1.png

2)Volume adjustment
$amixer controls
MY-R16-CB166 linux-34 test4-2.png
Find out numid=3,iface=MIXER,name='speaker volume control'

3)Gets current volume information
$amixer cget numid=3,iface=MIXER,name='speaker volume control'
MY-R16-CB166 linux-34 test4-3.png

4)Set the volume to 50
$amixer cset numid=3,iface=MIXER,name='speaker volume control' 50
MY-R16-CB166 linux-34 test4-4.png

Record Test

$arecord -d 10 -D plughw:0 demo.wav
MY-R16-CB166 linux-34 test5-1.png

2)Play recording
$aplay -Dplug:dmix demo.wav
MY-R16-CB166 linux-34 test5-2.png

Serial port test

  • The development board has only one UART3, which shorts the pin of pin 13.14 of J20.

$./etc/uart.o /dev/ttyS3 “Hello”

  • Parameter Description:

"uart.o" serial test application name
"ttyS3" serial port to be tested
"Hello" message content to be sent
MY-R16-CB166 linux-34 test6-1.png

Network port test

  • Set your computer's local IP to ,and close your computer's firewall.Connect the development board to the computer with a network cable and execute the following command:

$ifconfig eth0

MY-R16-CB166 linux-34 test7-1.png

4G Test

  • The test takes L506 as an example (L506 is the 4G module of total network access)
  • The test card is a mobile card.
  • The dialup script is in the /etc/ppp/peers/ directory.
  • Dial:

$pppd call gprsdial &

MY-R16-CB166 linux-34 test8-1.png

  • Check the IP

$ifconfig ppp0
MY-R16-CB166 linux-34 test8-2.png